The bitwise operators perform their calculations at the bit level of variables. They help solve a wide range of common programming problems. Much of the material below is from an excellent tutorial on bitwise math wihch may be found here.
Below are descriptions and syntax for all of the operators. Further details may be found in the referenced tutorial.
The bitwise AND operator in C++ is a single ampersand, &, used between two other integer expressions. Bitwise AND operates on each bit position of the surrounding expressions independently, according to this rule: if both input bits are 1, the resulting output is 1, otherwise the output is 0. Another way of expressing this is:
0 0 1 1 operand1 0 1 0 1 operand2 ---------- 0 0 0 1 (operand1 & operand2) - returned result
In Arduino, the type int is a 16-bit value, so using & between two int expressions causes 16 simultaneous AND operations to occur. In a code fragment like:
int a = 92; // in binary: 0000000001011100 int b = 101; // in binary: 0000000001100101 int c = a & b; // result: 0000000001000100, or 68 in decimal.
Each of the 16 bits in a and b are processed by using the bitwise AND, and all 16 resulting bits are stored in c, resulting in the value 01000100 in binary, which is 68 in decimal.
One of the most common uses of bitwise AND is to select a particular bit (or bits) from an integer value, often called masking. See below for an example
Example Program for Arduino Uno
A common job for the bitwise AND and OR operators is what programmers call Read-Modify-Write on a port. On microcontrollers, a port is an 8 bit number that represents something about the condition of the pins. Writing to a port controls all of the pins at once.
PORTD is a built-in constant that refers to the output states of digital pins 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7. If there is 1 in an bit position, then that pin is HIGH. (The pins already need to be set to outputs with the pinMode() command.) So if we write PORTD = B00110001; we have made pins 0,4 & 5 HIGH. One slight hitch here is that we may also have changeed the state of Pins 0 & 1, which are used by the Arduino for serial communications so we may have interfered with serial communication.
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