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U8g2: Library for monochrome displays, version 2

U8g2 is a monochrome graphics library for embedded devices. U8g2 supports controller based (for example SSD1306) monochrome OLEDs and LCDs (See the U8g2/U8x8 setup guide for a complete list of supported display controller). The Arduino library U8g2 can be installed from the library manager of the Arduino IDE. U8g2 also includes U8x8 library:

U8g2 Includes all graphics procedures (line/box/circle draw). Supports many fonts. (Almost) no restriction on the font height. Requires some memory in the microcontroller to render the display. U8x8 Text output only (character) device. Only fonts allowed with fixed size per character (8x8 pixel). Writes directly to the display. No buffer in the microcontroller required.




- IndentedPrintExample : Indented Print - 縮進打印例程
- JsonGeneratorExample : Json Generator - Json 生成例程
- JsonHttpClient : Json Http Client - Json HTTP Client例程(獲取網絡Json數據並解析)
- JsonParserExample : Json Parser - Json 解析例程
- JsonServer : Json Server - Json Server例程(生成Json數據並發布)
- JsonUdpBeacon : Json Udp Beacon - Json UDP Beacon 例程

U8g2 Reference

- begin

- disableCursor

- drawBitmap

- drawBitmapP

- drawBox

- drawCircle

- drawDisc

- drawEllipse

- drawFilledEllipse

- drawFrame

- drawHLine

- drawLine

- drawRBox

- drawRFrame

- drawStr

- drawStr90

- drawStr180

- drawStr270

- drawStrP

- drawStr90P

- drawStr180P

- drawStr270P

- drawTriangle

- drawVLine

- drawXBM

- drawXBMP

- enableCursor

- firstPage

- getColorIndex

- getFontAscent

- getFontDescent

- getFontLineSpacing

- getHeight

- getMode

- getWidth

- getStrWidth

- InitSPI, InitHWSPI, Init8Bit InitComFn

- nextPage

- setColorIndex

- setContrast

- setCursorColor

- setCursorFont

- setCursorPos

- setCursorStyle

- setDefaultBackgroundColor

- setDefaultForegroundColor

- setDefaultMidColor

- setFont

- setFontLineSpacingFactor

- setFontPosBaseline

- setFontPosBottom

- setFontPosCenter

- setFontPosTop

- setFontRefHeightAll

- setFontRefHeightExtendedText

- setFontRefHeightText

- setHardwareBackup

- setPrintPos

- setRGB

- setRot90

- setRot180

- setRot270

- setScale2x2

- sleepOn

- sleepOff

- undoRotation

- undoScale




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