ESP8266 WiFi
ESP8266 WiFi 庫
The WiFi class initializes the ethernet library and network settings.
- WiFi.mode()
ESP8266WiFi AP - WiFi.softAP(ssid,[password],[channel],[ssid_hidden]) 設置AP模式參數 參數
返回值:bool - WiFi.softAPConfig(local_ip,gateway,subnet) 配置AP 參數
返回值:bool - WiFi.softAPdisconnect(wifioff) 斷開網絡,關閉AP - WiFi.softAPgetStationNum() 獲取AP模式下已連接終端的數量 - WiFi.softAPIP() 獲取IP地址,用於AP模式 返回:IP地址 - WiFi.softAPmacAddress(mac) 獲取MAC地址,用於AP模式 返回:uint8_t* - WiFi.softAPmacAddress(void) 獲取MAC地址,用於AP模式 返回:String
ESP8266WiFi STA WL_CONNECTED WL_NO_SSID_AVAIL WL_CONNECT_FAILED WL_IDLE_STATUS WL_DISCONNECTED - WiFi.begin() 開始wifi連接 - WiFi.config(local_ip, gateway, subnet, dns1, dns2) 更改IP配置設置禁用DHCP客戶端 參數
返回:bool - WiFi.reconnect() 將強制斷開連接,然後重新連接到AP 返回:bool - WiFi.disconnect(bool wifioff) Disconnect from the network 斷開網絡 返回:bool - WiFi.isConnected() 檢查是否已連接 返回:bool - WiFi.setAutoConnect(bool autoConnect) 設置是否複位自動連接,默認自動連接 返回:bool - WiFi.getAutoConnect() 檢查是否設置了複位自動連接 返回:bool - WiFi.setAutoReconnect(bool autoReconnect) 設置當連接斷開時是否重新連接 返回:bool - WiFi.waitForConnectResult() Wait for WiFi connection to reach a result returns the status reached or disconnect if STA is off 返回:連接狀態
- WiFi.localIP() 獲取IP地址,用於STA模式 返回:IPAddress - WiFi.macAddress(uint8_t* mac) 獲取MAC地址,用於STA模式 返回:uint8_t* - WiFi.macAddress(void) 獲取MAC地址,用於STA模式 返回:String - WiFi.subnetMask() Get the interface subnet mask address. 獲取接口子網掩碼地址 返回:IPAddress - WiFi.gatewayIP() Get the gateway ip address. 獲取網關地址 返回:IPAddress - WiFi.dnsIP(uint8_t dns_no) Get the DNS ip address. 獲取DNS ip 地址 返回:IPAddress - WiFi.hostname(void) Get ESP8266 station DHCP hostname 獲取ESP8266 SAT DHCP主機名 返回:String - WiFi.hostname(char* aHostname) Set ESP8266 station DHCP hostname 設置ESP8266 STA DHCP主機名 參數類型:char* 返回:bool - WiFi.hostname(const char* aHostname) Set ESP8266 station DHCP hostname 參數類型:const char* 返回:bool - WiFi.hostname(String aHostname) Set ESP8266 station DHCP hostname 參數類型:String 返回:bool - WiFi.SSID() 獲取當前連接網絡的SSID 返回:String - WiFi.psk() 獲取當前連接網絡的共享秘鑰 返回:String - WiFi.BSSID(void) Return the current bssid / mac associated with the network if configured 返回:uint8_t* - WiFi.BSSIDstr(void) Return the current bssid / mac associated with the network if configured 返回:String - WiFi.RSSI(void) Return the current network RSSI. 返回:int32_t (RSSI value) STA遠程配置 - WiFi.beginWPSConfig(void) WPS配置(so far only WPS_TYPE_PBC is supported (SDK 1.2.0)) 返回:bool - WiFi.beginSmartConfig() 開始 SmartConfig 返回:bool - WiFi.stopSmartConfig() 停止 SmartConfig 返回:bool - WiFi.smartConfigDone() 查詢 SmartConfig 狀態,決定何時停止配置 返回:bool
ESP8266WiFi Server The Server class creates servers which can send data to and receive data from connected clients (programs running on other computers or devices). - WiFiServer(IPAddress addr, uint16_t port) 開啟服務 參數
- WiFiServer(uint16_t port) 開啟服務 參數
- WiFi.begin() - WiFi.setNoDelay(bool nodelay) - WiFi.getNoDelay() - WiFi.hasClient() - WiFi.available() - WiFi.status() - WiFi.close() - WiFi.stop() - WiFi.write(uint8_t b) - WiFi.write(const uint8_t *buffer, size_t size)
ESP8266WiFi Client The client class creates clients that can connect to servers and send and receive data. - WiFi.WiFiClient() - WiFi.WiFiClient(const WiFiClient& other) - WiFi.operator=(const WiFiClient& other) - WiFi.connect(const char* host, uint16_t port) - WiFi.connect(IPAddress ip, uint16_t port) - WiFi.setNoDelay(bool nodelay) - WiFi.getNoDelay() - WiFi.write(uint8_t b) - WiFi.write(const uint8_t *buf, size_t size) - WiFi.write_P(PGM_P buf, size_t size) - WiFi.available() - -* buf, size_t size) - WiFi.peekBytes(uint8_t *buffer, size_t length) - WiFi.flush() - WiFi.stop() - WiFi.connected() - WiFi.status() - WiFi.remoteIP() - WiFi.remotePort() - WiFi.localIP() - WiFi.localPort() - WiFi.stopAll() - WiFi.stopAllExcept(WiFiClient * exC)
ESP8266WiFi Udp The UDP class enables UDP message to be sent and received. - WiFi.WiFiUDP(const WiFiUDP& other) - WiFi.begin(uint16_t port) - WiFi.beginMulticast(IPAddress interfaceAddr, IPAddress multicast, uint16_t port) - WiFi.available() - WiFi.stop() - WiFi.beginPacket(const char *host, uint16_t port) - WiFi.beginPacket(IPAddress ip, uint16_t port) - WiFi.beginPacketMulticast(IPAddress multicastAddress, uint16_t port,IPAddress interfaceAddress, int ttl) - WiFi.endPacket() - WiFi.write(uint8_t byte) - WiFi.write(const uint8_t *buffer, size_t size) - WiFi.parsePacket() - - WiFi.stop() - WiFi.stop() - WiFi.stop() - char* buffer, size_t len) - WiFi.peek() - WiFi.flush() - WiFi.stop() - WiFi.remoteIP() - WiFi.remotePort() - WiFi.destinationIP() - WiFi.localPort() - WiFi.stopAll() - WiFi.stop() - WiFi.stopAllExcept(WiFiUDP * exC)
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