ESP8266 WiFi
ESP8266 WiFi 库
The WiFi class initializes the ethernet library and network settings.
- WiFi.mode()
ESP8266WiFi AP - WiFi.softAP(ssid,[password],[channel],[ssid_hidden]) 设置AP模式参数 参数
返回值:bool - WiFi.softAPConfig(local_ip,gateway,subnet) 配置AP 参数
返回值:bool - WiFi.softAPdisconnect(wifioff) 断开网络,关闭AP - WiFi.softAPgetStationNum() Get the count of the Station / client that are connected to the softAP interface - WiFi.softAPIP() 获取IP地址,用于AP模式 返回:IP地址 - WiFi.softAPmacAddress(mac) 获取MAC地址,用于AP模式 返回:uint8_t* - WiFi.softAPmacAddress(void) 获取MAC地址,用于AP模式 返回:String |
ESP8266WiFi STA WL_CONNECTED WL_NO_SSID_AVAIL WL_CONNECT_FAILED WL_IDLE_STATUS WL_DISCONNECTED - WiFi.begin() 开始wifi连接 - WiFi.config(local_ip, gateway, subnet, dns1, dns2) Change IP configuration settings disabling the dhcp client 参数
返回:bool - WiFi.reconnect() will force a disconnect and then start reconnecting to AP 返回:bool - WiFi.disconnect(bool wifioff) Disconnect from the network 返回:bool - WiFi.isConnected() 检查是否已连接 返回:bool - WiFi.setAutoConnect(bool autoConnect) 设置是否复位自动连接,默认自动连接 返回:bool - WiFi.setAutoConnect() 检查是否设置了复位自动连接 返回:bool - WiFi.setAutoReconnect(bool autoReconnect) 设置当连接断开时是否重新连接 返回:bool - WiFi.waitForConnectResult() Wait for WiFi connection to reach a result returns the status reached or disconnect if STA is off 返回:连接状态
- WiFi.localIP() 获取IP地址,用于STA模式 返回:IPAddress - WiFi.macAddress(uint8_t* mac) 获取MAC地址,用于STA模式 返回:uint8_t* - WiFi.macAddress(void) 获取MAC地址,用于STA模式 返回:String - WiFi.subnetMask() Get the interface subnet mask address. 返回:IPAddress - WiFi.gatewayIP() Get the gateway ip address. 返回:IPAddress - WiFi.dnsIP(uint8_t dns_no) Get the DNS ip address. 返回:IPAddress - WiFi.hostname(void) Get ESP8266 station DHCP hostname 返回:String - WiFi.hostname(char* aHostname) Set ESP8266 station DHCP hostname 返回:bool - WiFi.hostname(const char* aHostname) Set ESP8266 station DHCP hostname 返回:bool - WiFi.hostname(String aHostname) Set ESP8266 station DHCP hostname 返回:bool - WiFi.SSID() 获取当前连接网络的SSID 返回:String - WiFi.psk() 获取当前连接网络的共享秘钥 返回:String - WiFi.BSSID(void) Return the current bssid / mac associated with the network if configured 返回:uint8_t* - WiFi.BSSIDstr(void) Return the current bssid / mac associated with the network if configured 返回:String - WiFi.RSSI(void) Return the current network RSSI. 返回:int32_t (RSSI value) STA远程配置 - WiFi.beginWPSConfig(void) WPS配置(so far only WPS_TYPE_PBC is supported (SDK 1.2.0)) 返回:bool - WiFi.beginSmartConfig() 开始 SmartConfig 返回:bool - WiFi.stopSmartConfig() 停止 SmartConfig 返回:bool - WiFi.smartConfigDone() 查询 SmartConfig 状态,决定何时停止配置 返回:bool
ESP8266WiFi Server The Server class creates servers which can send data to and receive data from connected clients (programs running on other computers or devices).
- WiFiServer(IPAddress addr, uint16_t port) 开启服务 参数
- WiFiServer(uint16_t port) 开启服务 参数
- WiFi.begin() 开始 SmartConfig
- WiFi.available() 开始 SmartConfig
ESP8266WiFi Client The client class creates clients that can connect to servers and send and receive data.
ESP8266WiFi Udp The UDP class enables UDP message to be sent and received. |
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