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創建縮圖錯誤: 檔案似乎遺失:
- 供電電壓:DC5V
- 使用芯片:74HC595
- 模塊尺寸:32.5*32.5*14.7MM(長*寬*高)
- 模塊重量:10.6g
- 1. VCC -- Vcc(電源+5V)
- 2. GND -- Gnd(地)
- 3. SER -- 串行移位輸入
- 4. RCK -- 存儲寄存器的時序輸入
- 5. SRCK -- 移位寄存器的時序輸入
點陣模塊 | Arduino UNO |
VCC | +5V |
SER | D10 |
RCK | D11 |
SRCK | D12 |
/************************************************** * Face * ( 8x8 Led Dot Matrix with two 74HC595 on Arduino) * * by YFROBOT ***************************************************/ #include "TimerOne.h" #define ROW_DATA ((row[0]<<7)|(row[1]<<6)|(row[2]<<5)|(row[3]<<4)|(row[4]<<3)|(row[5]<<2)|(row[6]<<1)|(row[7]<<0)) #define COL_DATA ((col[0]<<7)|(col[1]<<6)|(col[2]<<5)|(col[3]<<4)|(col[4]<<3)|(col[5]<<2)|(col[6]<<1)|(col[7]<<0)) //Pin connected to DS of 74HC595 int SER = 10; //Pin connected to ST_CP of 74HC595 int RCK = 11; //Pin connected to SH_CP of 74HC595 int SRCK = 12; int row[8]={ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; int col[8]={ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; byte screen[8] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; volatile byte screenRow = 0; volatile byte screenCol = 0; void setup() { Timer1.initialize(100); pinMode(RCK, OUTPUT); pinMode(SRCK, OUTPUT); pinMode(SER, OUTPUT); Timer1.attachInterrupt(doubleBuffer); Serial.begin(9600); } void doubleBuffer() { row[screenRow]=0; col[screenCol]=1; screenCol++; if (screenCol >= 8) { screenCol = 0; screenRow++; if (screenRow >= 8) { screenRow = 0; } } if((screen[screenRow] >> screenCol) & B1 == B1) { row[screenRow]=1; col[screenCol]=0; digitalWrite(RCK,LOW); shiftOut(COL_DATA); shiftOut(ROW_DATA); digitalWrite(RCK,HIGH); } } void allOFF() { for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) screen[i] = B00000000; } void allON() { for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) screen[i] = B11111111; } void on(byte row, byte column) { screen[column-1] |= (B1 << (row - 1)); } void off(byte row, byte column) { screen[column-1] &= ~(B1 << (row - 1)); } void loop() { smile(); allOFF(); lol(); allOFF(); } void smile() { on(1, 1);on(1, 2);on(1, 7);on(1, 8); on(2, 1);on(2, 2);on(2, 7);on(2, 8); on(4, 4);on(4, 5);on(5, 4);on(5, 5); on(7, 2);on(7, 7); on(8, 3);on(8, 4);on(8, 5);on(8, 6); delay(1000); } void lol() { on(1,1);on(1,2);on(1,3);on(1,4);on(1,5);on(1,6);on(1,7);on(1,8); on(2,1);on(2,3);on(2,6);on(2,8); on(3,1);on(3,2);on(3,7);on(3,8); on(4,1);on(4,8); on(5,1);on(5,3);on(5,4);on(5,5);on(5,6);on(5,8); on(6,1);on(6,3);on(6,6);on(6,8); on(7,1);on(7,3);on(7,6);on(7,8); on(8,1);on(8,2);on(8,3);on(8,4);on(8,5);on(8,6);on(8,7);on(8,8); delay(1000); } //shift function void shiftOut(byte myDataOut) { //internal function setup boolean pinState; //clear shift register read for sending data digitalWrite(RCK, LOW); // for each bit in dataOut send out a bit for (int i = 0; i <= 7; i++) { //set clockPin to LOW prior to sending bit digitalWrite(SRCK, LOW); /*if the value of DataOut and (logical AND) a bitmask are true, set pinState to 1 (HIGH)*/ if ( myDataOut & (1<<i) ) { pinState= HIGH; } else { pinState= LOW; } //Sets the pin to HIGH or LOW depending on pinState digitalWrite(SER, pinState); //send bit out on rising edge of clock digitalWrite(SRCK, HIGH); digitalWrite(SER, LOW); } //stop shifting digitalWrite(SRCK, LOW); }
點陣模塊配合按鍵模塊,做打乒乓遊戲!請移步下面網址查看:Arduino驅動8*8點陣模塊 附原理圖及一個打乒乓球的遊戲代碼
更多建議和問題歡迎反饋至 YFRobot論壇
購買方式:YFRobot 電子工作室