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1 - 外部EEPROM 讀寫指令

=== 存储数据  -- EEW / EER=== 
EEW/EER 指令是用来写、读外部EEPROM 数据的。使用这些指令的前提是舵机控制器上有 EEPROM 芯片及固件支持。我们使用的芯片为 IIC 24C256(实际,根据到手控制板决定),它有32768字节空间。

'''1、写指令格式 -- EEW  (该指令对应上位机软件的“下载”功能)'''
:EEW -<addr>,<byte>,<byte>,<byte>,...,<byte><cr>

:*<addr> = 写指令起始地址位,十进制
:*<byte> = 被写入的一个字节数据, 十进制

'''2、读指令格式 -- EER'''
:EER <addr> ; <nbytes>

:*<addr> = 读数据起始地址位,十进制
:*<nBytes> = 读取数据的字节数,十进制

<font color="red">注意:</font>使用读写指令,格式必须严格遵守,否则读写失败!了解即可!
<pre >
=== 控制指令集 === 

<font color="red">'''但需要注意下面两点:'''</font>
:*<font color="red">同时播放两个动作组时,确保动作组中使用的舵机不重复,否则结果不可预测。</font>
:*<font color="red">播放动作组中的舵机,不能向其再发送其他舵机指令,否则结果不可预测。</font>

'''1、播放动作组 '''

:PL <p>SQ <s> [SM <m>] [IX <i>] [PA <pa>] [ONCE] <cr>  -- 符号<X> 中的为参数的数字,[] 中为可选参数
:*PL <p> 播放器 p 值, 0 或 1
:*SQ <s> 序列号 s 值, 从 0 到 127  
:*SM <m> 速度百分比 m 值, 从 -200 到 200 单位:% 默认 100%
:*IX <i> 开始执行步 i 值, 从 0 到 255  默认 0
:*PA <a> 步骤之间停顿 a 值, 从 0 到 65535 单位:ms 默认 0 
:*ONCE 指定播放动作组只执行一次
:*<cr> 结束回车符,ASCII码中的13。

'''2、停止播放 '''
:PL <p><cr>

'''3、改变播放速度 '''
:PL <p>SM <m><cr>  
<font color="red">注意:</font>

'''4、改变播放间隔时间 '''
:PL <p>PA <pa><cr>  
<font color="red">注意:</font>

'''5、跳转至动作组中的某个动作 '''
:SQ <s> [IX <i>] [T <t>]<cr>  
<font color="red">注意:</font>
::和其他舵机移动指令一样,该指令<font color="orange">不可以使用正在使用中的舵机</font>;若使用,结果不可预测

'''6、查询一个播放器 '''
:QPL <p><cr>  
::4.正在执行的动作剩余时间,单位100ms(例如 还剩下700ms,返回值将为 7)
'''控制指令例子 '''
:PL 0 SQ 5 <cr>  

:PL 0 SM -50 <cr>  
设置播放器0反方向播放 50%的运行速度。

:PL 0 SM 0 <cr>  
设置播放器0播放速度为0 (暂停播放)

:PL 0 SM 200 <cr>  
设置播放器0正方向播放 200%的运行速度。

:PL 0 PA 1000 <cr>  
设置播放器0播放的动作组,每个动作之间间隔(停顿)1000ms 。

:PL 0 <cr>  

:SQ 20 IX 3 <cr>  

:SQ 20 IX 5 T2000 <p><cr>  

:PL 1 SQ 15 IX 2 SM -70 ONCE <cr>  


== 2 - 芯片内部寄存器控制及EEPROM读写指令 ==

=== 寄存器常规信息 ===
::{|border="1" cellspacing="0" align="center" cellpadding="4" width="700px"
|align="center"|A bit field() that enables various features of the SSC-32.
|align="center"|Transmit Delay
|align="center"|The delay,in microseconds,before transmitting the first byte of a response from the SSC-32.
|align="center"|Transmit Pacing
|align="center"|The delay,in microseconds,between bytes in a response from the SSC-32.
|align="center"|Initial Pulse Offset
|align="center"|The initial value of the pulse offset(P0) for each servo. Register 32 corresponds to servo #0, register 33 to servo #1,etc.
|align="center"|Initial Pulse Width
|align="center"|The initial value of the pulse width for each servo. Register 64 corresponds to servo #0, register 65 to servo #1, etc. A value of 0 leaves the servo output at a continuous logic '0'; a value of 65535 leaves the servo output at a continuous logic '1'. All other values are clipped to the range 500 - 2500 microseconds.

:<font color="red">注意:</font>寄存器 0-15 是全局使用的,影响着控制板的所有操作; 32-255是用于每个舵机的配置,所以都是32位一组。
=== 使能寄存器位定义 ===
::{|border="1" cellspacing="0" align="center" cellpadding="4" width="700px"
|align="center"|Global Disable
|align="left"|If '1',disables all of the featured controlled by the Enable register.
If '0',the individual bit values will be used to enable or disable the features.
|align="center"|Initial Pulse Width Enable
|align="left"|If '1',disables all of the featured controlled by the Enable register.
If '0',the individual bit values will be used to enable or disable the features.
|align="center"|Initial Pulse Offset Enable
|align="left"|If '1',disables all of the featured controlled by the Enable register.
If '0',the individual bit values will be used to enable or disable the features.
|align="center"|TX Delay/Pacing Enable
|align="left"|If '1',disables all of the featured controlled by the Enable register.
If '0',the individual bit values will be used to enable or disable the features.
|align="center"|Startup String Enable
|align="left"|If '1',enables execution of the startup string when power is applied to the SSC-32.
If '0',the startup string will not be executed.
=== 寄存器读写 ===
::{|border="1" cellspacing="0" align="center" cellpadding="4" width="700px"
|align="center"|Register write: R<r> = <n><cr>
|align="center"|r = reg number,0-255 n = value
|align="center"|Programs the value of a register. Spaces are optional around the register number and value.
|align="left"|R0=1023 <cr> 
R32 = -50 <cr>
|align="center"|Register read: R<r><cr>
|align="center"|r = reg number,0-255
|align="center"|Displays the value of a register, followed by a carriage return.The displayed value is in ASCII format, and is terminated with a carriage return.
:result: -50 <cr>
|align="center"|Set to defaults: RDFLT <cr>
|align="center"|Sets all of the registers to their default values. When the command is complete the SSC-32 will transmit the string OK<cr>.
:<font color="red">注意:</font>寄存器 0-15 的配置 -- 在熟悉后再下使用,否则使用简单的 R = 1/0 即可(主要使用的是使能上电自动执行)。
=== 其他寄存器指令 ===
::{|border="1" cellspacing="0" align="center" cellpadding="4" width="700px"
|align="center"|Immediately stops the specified servo at its current position.A space is optional before the servo number.
:<font color="red">注意:</font>
:*EER and EEW 指令不适用于内部的EEPROM. 仅用于外部存储EEPROM.

=== 启动字符串 ===
::{|border="1" cellspacing="0" align="center" cellpadding="4" width="700px"
|align="center"|Delete characters: SSDEL<n><cr>
|align="left"|Deletes <n> characters from the end of the startup string. If <n> is greater than the length of the startup string, then SSDEL deleter the entire string.
SSDEL 5 <cr>
:-Deleted the last 5 characters of the startup string
SSDEL 255 <cr>
:-Deletes the entire startup string
|align="center"|Concatenate: SSCAT <string> <cr>
|align="center"|Up to 100 ASCII characters
|align="left"|Concatenates <string> to the current startup string. The blank space immediately following "SSCAT" is ignored, but all other spaces are part of the string. The string is terminated by a carriage return, and may not contain embedded carriage returns. Commands in the startup string are terminated with a semicolon (including the last command).
SSCAT #0P1000#1P2000T3000;<cr>
SSCAT PL0 SQ5 SM50;<cr>
|align="center"|Display startup string: SS <cr>
|align="left"|Displays the entire startup string, surrounded by quotation marks and followed by a carriage return.
SS <cr>
:result: "#0P1000#1P2000T3000;PL0 SQ5 SM50;"<cr>

:<font color="red">注意:</font>
:*启用字符串的最大字符串长度为100 ,超过这个部分的做忽略处理。
:*在启用字符串指令中不能使用以下指令: EER, EEW, R=, SSCAT, SSDEL.
:*SS 查询指令和SSCAT 设置字符串指令的执行都需要数百毫秒的时间,根据波特率决定。在舵机运行或者播放动作组过程中不应该使用这两个指令。
:*执行SSDEL 或者 SSCAT指令时,控制板不能掉电。确定指令执行完成后,使用 SS 指令查询等待回应。
:*<font color="orange">每次启动字符串的改变了都是需要消耗主芯片的EEPROM。EEPROM 典型的最大可写次数 100000 。所以在使用中不能快速改变启动字符串,这将可能导致 ATmega 处理器的EEPROM 永久性的损坏。</font>
'''启用字符串例子 '''
::{|border="1" cellspacing="0" align="center" cellpadding="4" width="700px"
|SSDEL 255 <cr>
SS <cr>	
|SSCAT #0P2000T5000;<cr>
SS <cr>	
SSC <cr>	
|SSDEL 4 <cr>
SS <cr>	
|SSDEL 6 <cr>
SS <cr>	
|SSCAT #1P1000T4000;PL0SQ5;<cr>
SS <cr>	
'''附加例子 '''
::{|border="1" cellspacing="0" align="center" cellpadding="4" width="700px"
|Set all registers to default values
|SSDEL 255	
|Erase the startup string
|Display register 0
|Set TX delay to 2000uS and TX pacing to 1000uS. (R0=2: Bit 1 of R0 enables TX delay/pacing.)
|Set the pulse offset for servo 0 to 50 and the initial pulse width to 1000. (Bits 2 and 3 of R0 enable pulse offset and pulse width.)
SSCAT #0P1500T5000;	
|Move R0 slowly to a pulse width of 1500 at startup. Assume the initial pulse width is set as in the previous example. (Bit 0 of R0 enables the startup string.)
|Display the current startup string.


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