SPIFlash库 -- SPI华邦电子闪存Flash芯片arduino库
GITHUB 工程地址:SPIFlash
支持arduino IDE 版本:
- IDE v1.5.x
- IDE v1.6.0-v1.6.5
- IDE v1.6.9-v1.6.11
- Arduino Uno
- Arduino Leonardo
- Arduino Micro
- Arduino Fio
- Arduino Mega
- Arduino Due
- ESP8266 (On the Arduino IDE)
- ATTiny85
- - Diagnostics: This demonstrates how to write and read data from the extended memory of the device. This memory is retained even after the device has lost power./演示如何读写数据从设备的扩展内存。即使设备掉电内存依然保存
- - Struct_writer: This demonstrates how to set and get the date and time from the device./演示了如何在设备上设置和获取日期和时间
- - TestFlash: This demonstrates how to set the alarms and check when the alarms are triggered. This includes using the squarewave output to trigger an interrupt./演示如何设置闹钟和检查何时触发闹钟。这包含使用方波输出触发一个中断
- - getAddressEx: Don't need to `#include <SPI.h>` in user code anymore. Just including…./演示如何在设备上设置和获取日期和时间。
- - readWriteString: Added a speed comparison excel spreadsheet and more examples./演示如何关闭RTC时钟以保证板载电池能持续更长时间
DS1307 函数。
- - Begin() -- 初始化
- 参数:无
- 返回:无
- - GetIsRunning()
- - SetIsRunning()
- - SetDateTime()
- - GetDateTime()
- - SetMemory()
- - GetMemory()
- - SetSquareWavePin()