(未显示1个用户的41个中间版本) |
第1行: |
第1行: |
− | https://gitee.com/yfrobot/yfrobot-lib-for-mixly
| |
| | | |
− | <verbatim>Foo
| + | 最新相关信息请跳转查看:[https://pjfcckenlt.feishu.cn/wiki/XpdswozS1i96sykc2nwcYXs2nee?from=from_copylink YFROBOT最新Mixly相关] |
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| + | YFROBOT库文件项目链接: |
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| + | |
| | | |
| + | '''推荐使用Mixly 2.0 RC4.0版本软件,软件官方下载地址:https://mixly.org/bnu-maker/mixl2.0rc [https://pan.baidu.com/e/1yph6U8Wz4vkLz9mzytXQpQ?pwd=8888 备用链接]''' |
| | | |
− | :root {
| + | <font color=red>'''Mixly 2.0 RC3.0软件版本,请使用V2.4.9版本之前的库。''' |
− | --side-bar-bg-color: #fafafa;
| + | |
− | --control-text-color: #777;
| + | |
− | }
| + | |
| | | |
− | @include-when-export url(https://fonts.loli.net/css?family=Open+Sans:400italic,700italic,700,400&subset=latin,latin-ext);
| + | '''Mixly 2.0 RC4.0软件版本,请使用V2.5.0及更高版本库。V2.6.2之后版本库为重构库,同样适配Mixly 2.0 RC4.0软件''' |
| | | |
− | html {
| + | </font> |
− | font-size: 16px;
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| |
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| |
| | | |
− | #write {
| + | 扩展库下载地址1:https://gitee.com/yfrobot/yfrobot-lib-for-mixly (gitee) |
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| + | |
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− | a {
| + | 扩展库下载地址2:https://pjfcckenlt.feishu.cn/drive/folder/fldcnNQHr9NesnVdC9aY6ta2gzc (飞书下载链接,直接下载无需登录,推荐) |
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| + | 扩展库下载地址3:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1V6eeypwOUaBmC-d5WejNKg?pwd=8888 (百度网盘) |
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