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2016-8-16 15:22 上传
履带式小车.jpg (42.68 KB, 下载次数: 60)
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/*** android app 连接 bluetooth 4.0 ble 实现远程通信 根据数据指令判断 - 默认小车控制指令:0X70/112,实现局域网遥控功能 通信数据格式:[$M>](数据头)+[data length] +[code] +[data] +[checksum] 例1: 24 4d 3e 00 72 72 24 数据头1 $ 4d 数据头2 M 3e 数据头3 > 00 data length 无数据 72 code 指令 72 checksum 检验和 除数据头外的数据异或得到 例2: 24 4d 3e 02 72 64 64 70 24 数据头1 $ 4d 数据头2 M 3e 数据头3 > 02 data length 数据字节数 72 code 指令 64 data 1 64 data 2 70 checksum 检验和 连接:(可根据实际情况更改) by yfrobot -- [url=http://www.yfrobot.com]www.yfrobot.com[/url] 24/5/2016 */ #include <SoftwareSerial.h> #define DEBUG 1 SoftwareSerial mySerial(12, 11); // RX, TX #define C_Joystick 112 // Joystick code #define AIN1 5 // left motor #define AIN2 6 // left motor #define BIN1 9 // right motor #define BIN2 10 // right motor #define INBUF_SIZE 128 static uint8_t inBuf[INBUF_SIZE]; static uint8_t dataLenght; static uint8_t checksum; static uint8_t indRX; static uint8_t cmdMSP; uint8_t read8() { return inBuf[indRX++] & 0xff; } uint8_t readThorttle = 128; uint8_t readDirection = 128; void setup() { // put your setup code here, to run once: Serial.begin(115200); mySerial.begin(115200); delay(10); Serial.println("begin...."); Serial.println(""); pinMode(AIN1, OUTPUT); pinMode(AIN2, OUTPUT); pinMode(BIN1, OUTPUT); pinMode(BIN2, OUTPUT); mySerial.println("hello world"); } void loop() { // put your main code here, to run repeatedly: BleReceive(); setMotor(readThorttle, readDirection); } /** evaluate command -- 数据处理 */ void evaluateCommand() { switch (cmdMSP) { case C_Joystick: readThorttle = read8(); readDirection = read8(); // if (DEBUG) { // mySerial.print("th - "); // mySerial.print(readThorttle); // mySerial.print("di - "); // mySerial.println(readDirection); // } break; } } void setMotor(int m1Speed , int dire) //电机驱动函数 { if (m1Speed < 128) { if ( dire >= 0 && dire < 128) { digitalWrite(AIN2, LOW); digitalWrite(BIN2, HIGH); analogWrite(AIN1, map(dire, 0, 127, 255, 0)); analogWrite(BIN1, map(m1Speed, 0, 127, 0, 255)); mySerial.println("forward - left"); } else if (dire > 128 && dire <= 255) { digitalWrite(AIN2, HIGH); digitalWrite(BIN2, LOW); analogWrite(AIN1, map(m1Speed, 0, 127, 0, 255)); analogWrite(BIN1, map(dire, 129, 255, 0, 255)); mySerial.println("forward - right"); } else { digitalWrite(AIN2, HIGH); digitalWrite(BIN2, HIGH); analogWrite(AIN1, map(m1Speed, 0, 127, 0, 255)); analogWrite(BIN1, map(m1Speed, 0, 127, 0, 255)); mySerial.println("forward"); } } else if (m1Speed > 128 ) { if ( dire >= 0 && dire < 128) { digitalWrite(AIN2, HIGH); digitalWrite(BIN2, LOW); analogWrite(AIN1, map(dire, 0, 127, 0, 255)); analogWrite(BIN1, map(m1Speed, 129, 255, 0, 255)); mySerial.println("back - left"); } else if (dire > 128 && dire <= 255) { digitalWrite(AIN2, LOW); digitalWrite(BIN2, HIGH); analogWrite(AIN1, map(m1Speed, 129, 255, 0, 255)); analogWrite(BIN1, map(dire, 129, 255, 255, 0)); mySerial.println("back - right"); } else { digitalWrite(AIN2, LOW); digitalWrite(BIN2, LOW); analogWrite(AIN1, map(m1Speed, 129, 255, 0, 255)); analogWrite(BIN1, map(m1Speed, 129, 255, 0, 255)); mySerial.println("back"); } } else { digitalWrite(AIN2, LOW); digitalWrite(BIN2, LOW); analogWrite(AIN1, 0); analogWrite(BIN1, 0); mySerial.print(m1Speed); mySerial.print("\t"); mySerial.print(dire); mySerial.print("\t"); mySerial.println("stop"); } } /** receive data function */ void BleReceive() { uint8_t c; static uint8_t dire_offset; static uint8_t dataSize; static enum _serial_state { IDLE, HEADER_START, HEADER_M, HEADER_ARROW, HEADER_SIZE, HEADER_CMD, } c_state = IDLE; while (Serial.available() > 0) { c = Serial.read(); // 读串口缓冲区 if (c_state == IDLE) { //串口状态空闲 等待HEADER_START状态的到来 c_state = (c == '$') ? HEADER_START : IDLE; //判定是$字符吗?是则进入HEADER_START状态 if (c_state == IDLE) {}// evaluateOtherData(c); // evaluate all other incoming serial data } else if (c_state == HEADER_START) { c_state = (c == 'M') ? HEADER_M : IDLE; //判定是M字符吗?是则进入HEADER_M状态 } else if (c_state == HEADER_M) { c_state = (c == '>') ? HEADER_ARROW : IDLE; //判定是>字符吗?是则进入HEADER_ARROW状态 } else if (c_state == HEADER_ARROW) { //是ARROW字符,进入HEADER_ARROW状态,判定缓冲区的大小 if (c > INBUF_SIZE) { // now we are expecting the payload size 我们期望足够的数据占用缓冲区 c_state = IDLE; //数据位置不够 退出循环 continue; //不执行该while循环包含的后面的语句,跳出开始下一轮循环 } dataSize = c; dataLenght = dataSize; dire_offset = 0; checksum = 0; indRX = 0; checksum ^= c; //校验和 1 - dataSize c_state = HEADER_SIZE; // the command is to follow 接收到数据长度,进入HEADER_SIZE状态 } else if (c_state == HEADER_SIZE) { cmdMSP = c; //接收 指令(code) checksum ^= c; //校验和 2 - code c_state = HEADER_CMD; //接收到指令,进入HEADER_CMD状态 } else if (c_state == HEADER_CMD && dire_offset < dataSize) { checksum ^= c; //校验和 3 - data inBuf[dire_offset++] = c; } else if (c_state == HEADER_CMD && dire_offset >= dataSize) { if (checksum == c) {// compare calculated and transferred checksum evaluateCommand(); //数据处理程序 } c_state = IDLE; //返回IDLE状态 } } }
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